1st – Chris Gaskell and D. Brammer with 47 points £120 each
2nd – Peter Rhodes and Kevin Horton with 44 points £80 each
3rd – Keiron Mountford and Paul Heweston with 43 points (BB9 22) £60 each
4th – S. Ramakrishna and P. Carmichael with 43 points (BB6 13) £40 each
5th – Phil Rogers and Mick Parsons with 43 points £20 each
Martin Smith + R. Johnston @15th
Kevin McGrath + S. Hickman @11th
Warren Lambeth + S. Corbett @6th
Paul Bailey + M. Key @11th
Dave Spittle + J. Naik @2nd and @6th
Stuart Loader + Russ Flynn @6th
Jeremy Harris + A. Burns @6th
Peter Rhodes + Kevin Horton @11th
Kieran Mountford + P Heneston @1st
Pete Williams + S. Cotterell @11th
Paul Snape + I. Smith @15th
Mark Chapman + Terry Bray @2nd and 11th
Alan Chapman + Neil Cyster @6th
Pete Sandhur + Pete Langston @2nd
Bill Lal + M Grundy @6th
The twos were worth £21.30 per two, £10.65 per person
Nearest the pins:
6th – Dave Spittle £105
15th – Paul Snape £105
18th in 2 – Warren Lambeth £105
All winnings will be credited to your shop account